Putting on Christ

Putting on Christ

Feb 9, 2025
Pastor Payton Horne


This sermon explores the importance of putting on Christ's presence in our daily lives. It emphasizes the need to remove dark deeds and clothe ourselves with Christ's love and light. The pastor discusses how this transformation impacts our relationships, our witness to others, and our spiritual growth. He stresses the urgency of living out our faith as time is running out, and encourages believers to be ready for Christ's return.

Key Points:
  • We must put on Christ's love and live it out in our daily interactions
  • We need to remove our "dark deeds" that hinder God's light from shining through us
  • Clothing ourselves with Christ's presence is a daily, intentional decision
  • Time is running out, and we must be prepared for Christ's return
  • Our lives should reflect Christ's love and light to those around us

Scripture Reference:
  • Romans 13:8-14

5 Day Devotional

Day 1: Putting on Christ's Love Reading
Romans 13:8-10, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is at the core of our Christian walk. Paul reminds us that love fulfills the law and is our primary obligation to one another. As we reflect on Christ's boundless love for us, let's consider how we can better embody that love in our daily interactions. Are there areas in our lives where we've allowed love to be replaced by judgment, impatience, or indifference? Today, pray for God to reveal any "dirty clothes" of unloving attitudes or actions you need to remove. Ask Him to clothe you in His love, enabling you to extend compassion, forgiveness, and kindness to others, even when it's challenging.
Day 2: Shining Christ's Light Reading
Matthew 5:14-16, Ephesians 5:8-14

As believers, we are called to be light in a dark world. Just as dirty headlights can dim a car's illumination, our witness can be obscured by sin and worldly attitudes. Today, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of your life that may be dulling your spiritual light. Are there habits, thoughts, or behaviors that are inconsistent with your identity as a child of light? Commit to "cleaning your headlights" through repentance and renewed dedication to Christ-like living. Remember, your light isn't just for your benefit – it's meant to guide others to the hope and truth found in Jesus.
Day 3: Clothed in Christ's Presence Reading
Colossians 3:12-17, Galatians 3:26-27

Paul urges us to "clothe ourselves with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ." This isn't a superficial action, but a deep, transformative process of allowing Christ's character to permeate every aspect of our being. Reflect on what it means to "sink into" Christ's presence like a comforting blanket. How might your day look different if you consciously put on Christ's compassion, kindness, humility, and patience? Make a commitment to start each morning by intentionally clothing yourself in Christ's presence, asking Him to manifest His character through you in every interaction.
Day 4: Urgency of Salvation Reading
Romans 13:11-14, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Paul reminds us that "time is running out" and our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. This creates a sense of urgency in our spiritual lives and in our witness to others. Reflect on areas where you may have grown complacent in your faith journey. Are there spiritual disciplines you've neglected? Opportunities to share your faith that you've overlooked? Ask God to renew your sense of purpose and urgency in living out your faith. Consider how you can "wake up" spiritually and be more intentional about preparing yourself and others for Christ's return.
Day 5: God's Presence in Suffering Reading
Romans 8:18-39, 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

While not explicitly mentioned in the sermon, the theme of God's presence in suffering is woven throughout Paul's writings. As we face challenges and trials, we're reminded that nothing can separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus. Reflect on a difficult situation you're currently facing or have recently experienced. How have you sensed God's presence in the midst of it? Remember that just as God joined the three young men in the fiery furnace, He is with you in your trials. Take time to thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him more deeply, even in life's storms. Consider how your experience of God's presence in suffering might be a testimony to encourage others.


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