Supernatural Community
Courageous faith never minimizes pain or is dismissive of a person's chronic plight. Courageous faith is courageous precisely BECAUSE of that reality. A faith that unconditionally accepts a person's condition of suffering under the pretentious guise of compassion is certainly not the faith of Jesus. It is in fact, the pseudo-faith of a powerless & dead religion that seeks to control & manipulate the suffering as a way to keep itself in business. Compassion ALONE is not always a vehicle to a miracle.
The captive described in Acts 3, that paralyzed man, was invited to walk. He didn't have to. He could have remained by that gate forever begging for coin. But he chose, despite what religion told him, or even his own withered legs demanded, he chose to WALK. Was it his choosing that made the miracle happen? Was it Peter's words? Was it Jesus? The answer, swirling in a supernatural mysterious haze is likely on all points: YES.
This message unearths some powerful revelation regarding this account and the three types of people described: The Captive. The Believer. The Disciple.